Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Microbiological Toxins techniques

Techniques such as radioimmunoassay (RIA), agglutination, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), require less concentration of the food extracts ; thus, they save time and are more sensitive. Latex agglutination (16) appears promising as a serological tool for identifying staphylococcal enterotoxins. Several ELISA methods (26,28,30,32,37,38,39) have been proposed for the identification of enterotoxins in foods, but, except for a polyvalent ELISA (7,9), their specificity has not been studied extensively.

Among ELISA methods, the "double antibody sandwich" ELISA is the method of choice, because reagents are commercially available in polyvalent and monovalent formats for both toxin screening and serotype specific identification(22). An automated enzyme-linked fluorescent immunoassay (ELFA) has been developed and is commercially available.

This method has undergone specificity and sensitivity evaluations and has proven to be an effective serological system for the identification of staphylococcal enterotoxin in a wide variety of foods (14). Other methods, which have been used in the identification of the staphylococcal enterotoxins and may have application in foods, are the T-cell proliferation assay (35), and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) combined with Western blotting (2).


toxic substances

Toxic Substances

Toxicant is a substance which when ingested at high levels produces harmful actions on Biolog mechanisms.
Natural toxicants can occur as contaminants of natural food products or as normal components of such foods. Contaminants can be of microbiological origin, such as toxins produced by bacteria, or they can be taken up by the food product in its normal growth process.
Comparative toxicology refers to comparing the concentration of inherent toxins, those that are naturally occurring and present in the food with the concentration of inherent toxins in the traditional counterpart of the new food.

Inherent substances are a subset of the naturally occurring chemicals that includes all substances except those that are not of biosynthetic origin and that are intentionally introduced into food through human activity. It is through this definition, mycotoxins are naturally occurring, even if they developed through mould growth.

Inherent toxicants are not the only undesirable food constituents. Food contaminants may be naturally occurring or synthetic.

The most important are naturally occurring contaminants in particular those produced by microorganisms. Microorganisms or their toxins occur far more frequently. Two general kinds of microbial toxins are mycotoxins and bacterial food poisoning toxins.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Package: Myths & Facts of GM Food

Hey people...

Some of these myths and facts may be of use for us...

Biotech Myth #1: Biotechnology is nothing new. The use of genetic engineering to improve food crops is merely a natural extension of plant breeding techniques that have been used since time immemorial. Promoters of agricultural biotechnology insist that genetic engineering is just a faster and more precise way to improve crops than traditional plant breeding methods, which can take several generations of breeding and therefore be a lot more time-consuming.

Fact: While it is true that conventional breeding methods have yielded a wide variety of plants and animals that did not exist previously, the genes that produce those traits have come from within their own or closely-related species. Modern genetic engineering can take genes from a species such as a fish or a virus and place them into an entirely different species, such as a tomato. This gives humans--actually, corporations--radical new powers, with unpredictable consequences.

Biotech Myth #2: Biotech foods are the most extensively researched and regulated food products ever.

Fact: Every industry likes to pretend that its products are the most extensively researched and regulated products in existence. The nuclear power industry has made this claim, as have the makers of vinyl chloride, dioxin, fen-phen, MSG and Olestra.
Back in 1992, the FDA decreed that genetically engineered foods were no different than conventional foods. Under FDA law, unless a food is "generally regarded as safe" (GRAS), a legal determination, it must be thoroughly tested. Because biotech foods have been determined "GRAS," they undergo no independent safety testing. Instead, government regulators rely on biotech companies to do their own safety tests and also determine themselves if the product in question is GRAS.
Testing biotech crops for their environmental safety is equally lax. It is up to the USDA to ensure that genetically modified crops are ecologically safe. The New York Times recently reported that the agency has not rejected a single application for a biotech crop and that many scientists say "the department has relied on unsupported claims and shoddy studies by the seed companies."

Biotech Myth #3: Genetically engineered crops will allow us to reduce, if not eliminate, environmentally toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Biotechnology is therefore good for the environment.

Fact: So far, the opposite has been true. The vast majority of genetically engineered crops currently on the market have been modified to either withstand herbicide (so that more can be sprayed) or produce their own insecticide.
This year, more than half of the US soybean crop was genetically engineered to survive spraying with Monsanto's best-selling weedkiller, Roundup. An analysis of 8,200 university research trials revealed that farmers planting Roundup Ready soybeans are using two to five times as much of the herbicide as farmers growing conventional varieties. Chuck Benbrook, who reported the results of the studies, said nobody is testing the crops for increased residues of Roundup. The EPA, moreover, has raised the allowable residue limits for Roundup on forage crops.
Producing a plant that can make its own insecticide so that farmers don't have to spray insecticides may sound like a good idea, but anything more than the most superficial consideration reveals otherwise. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a natural soil bacterium that destroys the digestive tracts of certain very pesky insects, like the Colorado Potato Beetle and the European Corn Borer. It is one of the safest insecticides known and has been used in spray form by organic farmers for years. Biotech companies have engineered crops--corn, cotton, canola, and potatoes--with a Bt gene so that Bt crops express the toxin in every cell of the plant. Such widespread use of the toxin will eventually make the bugs it targets resistant to it. That's just evolution, plain and simple. The loss of Bt, which is currently used sparingly by organic farmers, will deprive sustainable agriculture of one of its most effective tools.
Another point that biotech promoters never mention is that unlike other forms of pollution, genetic pollution produces live organisms that can grow, reproduce, mutate, and migrate. For that reason, genetic pollution may cause greater long-term harm than the petrochemical toxins now plaguing the planet, as Jeremy Rifkin observes in his book, The Biotech Century.
Already there have been instances of genes escaping much farther than anyone predicted. Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin was quoted in a New York Times Magazine article last year saying, "There's no way of knowing what the downstream effects will be or how [genetic engineering] might affect the environment. We have such a miserably poor understanding of how the organism develops from its DNA that I would be surprised if we don't get one rude shock after another" (emphasis his).

Biotech Myth #4: Biotechnology will increase crop yields, help farmers and rebuild rural economies.

Fact: So far, the opposite has been true. Aside from throwing corn and soybean growers into a tailspin because of the international consumer revolt against genetic engineering, 8,200 university research trials comparing the performance of different varieties of soybeans show that yields of genetically engineered herbicide resistant soybeans are lower than comparable conventional varieties. Since more than half of the soybeans planted this year were Roundup Ready varieties, the 5-10 percent yield drag is a significant drop--some 80 to 100 million bushels.
The contracts governing the use of transgenic seeds are not exactly farmer-friendly, either. Genetic engineering turns the seeds themselves into "intellectual property," so the farmers using the seeds don't legally own them. Monsanto likes to use the analogy of leasing a car--at the end of the lease, the car is returned. This new ownership arrangement makes it illegal to engage in the time-honored practice of saving seeds, a practice which is especially common in the Third World. In the United States and Canada, Monsanto pressed this concept to the point of hiring private investigators to swipe plants from farmers who didn't buy their seeds to see if they are planting Monsanto's transgenic varieties. Monsanto has also encouraged its farmers to snitch on neighbors they suspected of planting transgenics without paying for them. There's even a case in Canada of an elderly farmer who is being sued by Monsanto for intellectual property theft. He swears he never planted Monsanto's transgenic seed, yet it showed up in his field, quite possibly through genetic drift--i.e., contamination of his crops by wind-blown, genetically-engineered pollen. While this type of harassment continues, genetic engineering can be considered a "benefit" to rural communities only insofar as farmers enjoy living in a police state.

Biotech Myth #5: Biotechnology is the only hope we have to feed a growing world population.

Fact: Starvation and malnutrition are very real problems, but they are caused by unequal distribution of wealth, not by food scarcity. According to the United Nations World Food Program, there is currently more than enough food produced to feed everyone on the planet an adequate and healthy diet. The reason that approximately 800 million people go hungry each year is that they don't have access to food by either being able to afford it or grow their own. Biotechnology, by turning living crops into "intellectual property," increases corporate control over food resources and production. Rather than alleviate world hunger, biotechnology is likely to exacerbate it by increasing everybody's dependence on the corporate sector for seeds and the materials.

From :

Package 2:Concerns on genetically modified food

It is now possible to breed, virtually overnight, plants and animals with improved nutritional and health benefits to humans. This compares to the thousands of years it has taken to breed the familiar varieties we see today. Scientists can insert genes from one organism into another to produce, for example, extra vitamins, less fat and substances that are in short supply or difficult to manufacture. Genetically modified bacteria producing chymosin have largely replaced calves, whose stomach was the only source of rennet for cheese making.

Biotechnology companies have rushed to produce characteristics such as resistance to drought, disease and insects in food crops that previously did not have them. Many new crops require less processing in the factories and fewer additives. Because they have genes that make them last longer, there is less wastage. .
Another possible benefit is the reduced use of pesticides, fertilisers and energy compared to conventional farming methods. Farmers do not need to till the soil, lessening soil erosion and reducing labour and machinery.
The development of global planning and production of food could be the means to eradicate poverty and hunger, but it will not happen if left in the hands of the biotechnology companies. The intense competition for markets and to realise a profit on investments undermines the possibility of planning in a co-operative and systematic way.

The demands for deregulation have greatly increased concerns about the safety of genetically modified food. When scientists move genes between organisms of the same species and between different species, entirely new problems are posed.

Said Dr. Pusztai who is a world authority in plant chemicals research, it is difficult to predict how the introduced genes will interact with existing ones, or what the possible side effects on humans or the environment will be. Testing on laboratory rats may not reveal possible effects on humans or other species.The biotechnology companies admit there are dangers, but say research is thorough and the industry well regulated. However, things have gone wrong. Salmon that grow twice as fast as normal have escaped into the wild and one company had to withdraw some oil-seed rape seeds because they contained the "wrong" gene. There are concerns that genes resistant to pesticide and antibiotics could spread. Recent research has shown that a new type of herbicide-resistant oil-seed rape can cross breed with a related wild weed, making it resistant.

Besides the safety problems, the effects on agricultural practices have been enormous as the biotechnology companies reach into every corner of the world. In India, farmers have grown certain varieties of rice for thousands of years, but companies have patented many of these strains and put them beyond the budgets of small farmers. Other farmers find themselves increasingly tied to the biotechnology companies. When they buy Monsanto's modified soya beans, for example, they have to spray with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide that kills all other plants. Only Monsanto's seeds and beans survive because they contain a gene that makes them resistant to the herbicide. Farmers must sign contracts that say they must not sow the seeds or beans produced by their crop the following year, and companies are developing "terminator technology" to prevent new seeds germinating.

In the 1980s the seed producers said the introduction of high yielding hybrid crops in the "Green Revolution" would end hunger and help poor farmers. Instead, the result has been the increased development of huge agribusinesses in the West "overproducing" and creating "food mountains" whilst millions starve in the Third World. Small farmers in both areas are ruined. It is cheaper for small farmers in Mexico to buy North American maize in their local markets than it is to grow their own. The development of genetically modified crops will exacerbate this development.


Package 2: GM foods

What are genetically modified (GM) foods?

In the past, the only tool to “genetically modifying” has been selective breeding. For example, if you wanted to create a breed of corn with resistance to a certain fungus, you would plant a plot of corn and see how individual plants did with the fungus. Then you would take seeds from the plants that did well, plant them, look at their performance against the fungus and so on over the years until you had created a strain of corn plant that had very high resistance to the fungus in question.

Using selective breeding techniques, people have created everything from variegated roses to giant pumpkins to strains of wheat with twice the yield and very high disease tolerance. In the same way, you can take chickens, analyze their eggs and find chickens with eggs that contain less cholesterol. Then you can breed them to create a strain of low-cholesterol chickens. You can select on any detectable trait and selectively breed members of the species that do well on that trait.

Genetic engineering techniques now allow scientists to insert specific genes into a plant or animal without having to go through the trial-and-error process of selective breeding. Genetic engineering is therefore extremely rapid compared to selective breeding. With genetic engineering, you can also cross species very easily.

There are a variety of techniques used to modify plants and animals through genetic engineering. For example, there is a widely used herbicide called Roundup, made by Monsanto. Roundup kills any plant that it touches. Monsanto has genetically modified soybeans and other crop plants to create "Roundup Ready" strains that are not affected by Roundup. By planting Roundup Ready seeds, a farmer can control weeds by spraying Roundup right over the crop. The crop completely ignores the herbicide, but the weeds are eliminated. Roundup Ready seeds reduce production costs and increase yield, so food becomes less expensive. Other scientists have inserted genes that produce a natural insecticide into corn plants to eliminate damage from corn borers, and a variety of anti-fungal genes can be inserted as well. The list goes on and on -- there really is no limit to what can be done.


Saturday, April 21, 2007


The core functions are:

Ensuring food safetyAVA is the national authority on food safety for both primary and processed food. AVA ensures the safety of all food from production to just before retail. AVA adopts a science-based risk analysis and management approach based on international standards to evaluate and ensure food safety.

The vital components of AVA’s comprehensive and integrated food safety system include:

-Review of production systems and practices at source

-Risk assessment and the setting of food safety and food labeling standards

-Tagging of consignments of primary produce to trace sources, and food labeling to facilitate recall

-Inspection of primary produce and processed food at the points of entry into Singapore

-Pre and post-slaughter inspections at local abattoirs

-Inspection and accreditation of source farms, abattoirs, food-processing factories, both local and overseas

-Monitoring and surveillance programmes for a wide range of food-borne hazards in primary and processed food

-State-of-the art laboratory testing capabilities for detecting and analyzing a wide range of pathogens and chemical contaminants in livestock, frozen and chilled meat, live and chilled fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs and processed food

-Promoting the adoption of good agricultural and manufacturing practices, and food safety assurance systems by the food industry

-Close rapport with other national authorities

-Close monitoring of world situation for new developments in food safety and potential threats

This food safety system is backed up by enforcement of food safety standards through a well-established legal framework as well as through food safety public education on the collective responsibility of AVA, the food industry and the public in ensuring food safety.

Ensuring resilience in food supplyAVA strives to provide Singapore with an adequate and stable supply of food. We achieve this by diversifying the sources of supply to Singapore through efforts in the following areas:

-Approving new sources for importation of food by the private sector

-Participating in trade missions to seek out new sources

-Collaborating with the private sector, such as through AVA's agri-food Business Clusters in food sourcing

AVA's food diversification strategy allows Singapore to have resilience in supply. It gives us increased flexibility and adaptability when supply from a particular source falls short. Coupled with Singapore's open market, source diversification has helped to maintain stability in the prices of our food.


Product Recall

Product recall

Product recall is a request to return to the maker a batch or an entire production run of a product, usually due to the discovery of safety issues. The recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence (which can cause costly legal penalties) and to improve or avoid damage to publicity. Recalls are costly to a company because they often entail replacing the recalled product or paying for damages caused in use, albeit possibly less costly than indirect cost following damages to brand name and reduced trust in the manufacturer.

Information on recalls

Being aware of product recalls is important for the safety of anyone who comes in contact with the product and perhaps for the enjoyment of a product's full value. Recalls are not always easy to learn about, and companies do not always publicize a recall in an effort to limit the cost of replacing the product.

Common Sources of Recall Information:-

Grocery Stores (listings)
News (television/print)
Internet, particularly consumer groups' websites

General Steps to a Product Recall

A product recall usually involves the following steps, which may differ according to local laws:
Maker or dealer notifies the authorities responsible of their intention to recall a product. Consumer
hotlines or other communication channels are established. The scope of the recall, that is, which serial numbers or batch numbers etc. are recalled, is often specified.

Product recall announcements are released on the respective government agency's website (if applicable), as well as in paid notices in the metropolitan daily newspapers. In some circumstances, heightened publicity will also result in news television reports advising of the recall.

When a consumer group learns of a recall it will also notify the public by various means.
Typically, the consumer is advised to return the goods, regardless of condition, to the seller for a full refund or modification.

Avenues for possible consumer compensation will vary depending on the specific laws governing consumer trade protection and the cause of recall.

Commonly Recalled Products

Things causing harm or danger
Other defects diminishing functionality
Inadequate documentation (typically requires just re-shipment of documentation rather than a recall)


Microorganisms present in chicken & in skimmed milk powder


1. Clostridium perfringens

Can be found on:-

High proteins food like meat, poultry and eggs

Sources: -

Soil, sewage, dust, crops, meat and poultry


Nausea, diarrhea and gas pains (8-24 hours after eating)

Preventive measures:-

Cook high protein food thoroughly
Keep hot foods hot
Keep cold foods cold
Refrigerate food in shallow containers


Can be found on:-

Raw meats, poultry, eggs, milk and products made from them


On people, pets, insects and rodents


Diarrhea, abdominal cramps

Preventive measures:-

Cook foods thoroughly
Keep hot foods hot
Keep cooking surfaces and utensils clean
Refrigerate or freeze foods promptly
Wash hands before eating and after handling raw foods


Common microorganisms present in skimmed milk powder:-

-Listeria monocytogenes



Package 1: Foodborne illness

What are the most common foodborne diseases?

The most commonly recognized foodborne infections are those caused by the bacteria Campylobacter, Salmonella, and E.coli O157:H7, Campylobacter is a bacterial pathogen that causes fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. It is the most commonly identified bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the world. These bacteria live in the intestines of healthy birds, and most raw poultry meat has Campylobacter on it. Eating undercooked chicken or other food that has been contaminated with juices dripping from raw chicken is the most frequent source of this infection.

Salmonella is also a bacterium that is widespread in the intestines of birds, reptiles and mammals. It can spread to humans by a variety of different foods of animal origin. The illness it causes, salmonellosis, typically includes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In persons with poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, it can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections.

E. coli O157:H7 is a bacterial pathogen that has a reservoir in cattle and other similar animals. Human illness typically follows consumption of food or water that has been contaminated with microscopic amounts of cow faeces. The illness it causes is often a severe and bloody diarrhea and painful abdominal cramps, without much fever. In 3% to 5% of cases, a complication called hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) can occur several weeks after the initial symptoms. This severe complication includes temporary anemia, profuse bleeding, and kidney failure.
Some common diseases are occasionally foodborne, even though they are usually transmitted by other routes. These include infections caused by
Shigella, hepatitis A, and the parasites, Giardia lambelia and Cryptosporidia. Even strap throats have been transmitted occasionally through food.

In addition to disease caused by direct infection, some foodborne diseases are caused by the presence of a toxin in the food that was produced by a microbe in the food. For example, the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus can grow in some foods and produce a toxin that causes intense vomiting. The rare but deadly disease botulism occurs when the bacterium Clostridium botulinum grows and produces a powerful paralytic toxin in foods. These toxins can produce illness even if the microbes that produced them are no longer there.
Other toxins and poisonous chemicals can cause foodborne illness. People can become ill if a pesticide is inadvertently added to a food, or if naturally poisonous substances are used to prepare a meal.

What foods are most associated with foodborne illness?

Raw foods of animal origin are the most likely to be contaminated; that is, raw meat and poultry, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, and raw shellfish. Because filter-feeding shellfish strain microbes from the sea over many months, they are particularly likely to be contaminated if there are any pathogens in the seawater. Foods that mingle the products of many individual animals, such as bulk raw milk, pooled raw eggs, or ground beef, are particularly hazardous because a pathogen present in any one of the animals may contaminate the whole batch.

Fruits and vegetables consumed raw are a particular concern. Washing can decrease but not eliminate contamination, so the consumers can do little to protect themselves. Recently, a number of outbreaks have been traced to fresh fruits and vegetables that were processed under less than sanitary conditions. These outbreaks show that the quality of the water used for washing and chilling the produce after it is harvested is critical. Using water that is not clean can contaminate many boxes of produce. Fresh manure used to fertilize vegetables can also contaminate them.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Food Safety-WHAT IS IT?

Food Safety

According to the University of Rhode Island, Food Safety Education:-

Food safety can be defined as “Protecting the food supply from microbial, chemical (i.e. rancidity, browning) and physical (i.e. drying out, infestation) hazards or contamination that may occur during all stages of food production and handling-[growing, harvesting, processing, transporting, preparing, distributing and storing]. The goal of food safety monitoring is to keep food wholesome.”
Food safety also includes foods that will not cause sickness or harm to the consumer when it is prepared, served and eaten according to its intended use.

When food is not safe to consume, this may then lead to food borne illness or food poisoning which is caused by consuming contaminated food. In other words, food borne illness is transmitted to humans by contaminated food.

Contaminated food is where the food with the presence of pathogenic bacteria, toxins, viruses, parasites or in short, presence of harmful substances or microorganisms. Improper handling of food, preparation or storage of food is one of the main reasons why contamination occurs. Food can become contaminated from chemical, physical or biological sources. Food borne illness can also be caused by accidentally consuming food that is contaminated with chemicals substances such as cleaning solutions and sanitizers. Foreign particles, like glass or metal can also cause food to be contaminated.

Those who are at greater risks of getting food borne illness are the infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people who are ill. This is mainly because their immune systems may not be able to fight off the bacteria and viruses that cause the illness. Thus, these people should be served with food that is safe to consume and avoid eating foods that are raw or not fully cooked.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ,Surveillance Report for 1993-1997, there are five of categories of contributing factors directly relate to food safety concerns which are also called foodborne illness risk factors. They are:
- Food from Unsafe Sources
- Inadequate Cooking
- Improper Holding Temperatures
- Contaminated Equipment
- Poor Personal Hygiene

In order to prevent foodborne illneses, it is important that several steps should be taken in order to ensure that the food is safe to consume. Most importantly,good personal hygiene should be practiced by the person who handles food. Personal hygiene is the way a person maintains their health, appearance and cleanliness especially hand washing. Also, proper food handling, preparation and storage conditioned should be practiced and monitored regularly.

The application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles is also important to prevent foodborne illness.

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points and is a Food Safety methodology that relies on the identification of Critical Control Points (CCP's) in food production and preparation processes. The CCPs are the closely monitored in order to ensure that food is safe for consumption.

HACCP has been a successful process offering not only safe food but also advantages like :
· Reduction in product loss
· Increase in product quality
· Consistency in product preparation
· Increase in employee awareness and participation in food safety

In conclusion, food safety includes providing safe food to consumers with the application of well practiced personal hygiene, food preparation, and storage and also the application of systems like HACCP to ensure that the food product is of good quality and safe to consume.


U.S Food and Drug Administration.(2006). Foodborne Illness. Retrieved April 3, 2007 from

University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension. (N.S).Food Safety Education. Retrieved April 2, 2007 from

IOWA State University Extension. (2007). Food Safety Lessons. Retrieved April 2, 2007 from

Institute of Food Science and Technology. (2007). Advisory Statements-Food Safety. Retrieved from

HACCP Now. (2007). What is HACCP? Retrieved April 3, 2007 from

Food Safety-Induction Package

Induction Package

Haryati’s Research Part...

My tasks from the HFLA template are as follows:-
I’m assigned to do the following questions based on the different learning issues:-

The learning issues are:-
1) What is avian flu virus?
2) What are the possible sources of contamination of this virus?

After doing some research, this is what I came out with….

Learning issue (No. 1) - What is avian flu virus?

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) is an infection caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These influenza viruses occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them.”
It was also mentioned that avian influenza is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds very sick and eventually it kills.

Learning issue (No. 2) - What are the possible sources of contamination of this virus?

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Based on the key facts by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the possible sources of contamination of the Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) is when susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contaminated secretions or excretions or with surfaces that are contaminated with secretions or excretions from infected birds. This is because infected birds shed influenza virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and faeces.

Domesticated birds may become infected with avian influenza virus through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected poultry, or through contact with surfaces (such as dirt or cages) or materials (such as water or feed) that have been contaminated with the virus.

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

The “low pathogenic and high pathogenic” form

Based on the key facts by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Infected birds or poultry with avian influenza virus causes two main forms of disease. They are the “low pathogenic and high pathogenic” form. The “low pathogenic” form may go undetected and usually causes only mild symptoms (such as ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production). However, the highly pathogenic form spreads more rapidly through flocks of poultry. This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100% often within 48 hours.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006) Key Facts About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus. Retrieved April 2, 2007 from